3D Soil Profile Visualization

VisLog Download Trial Version Manual Data Entry + Import from Text, gINT, NovoLAB Fully Automatic Geocoding Technology Automatic Merging of Similar Soil Layers Overlay of Satellite Image / 3D Studio Models Overlay of Survey Data (DWG, DXF) Output Formats: DXF, Image, 3D PDF

3D Soil Profile Visualization Software – VisLog

VisLog is designed for three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface soil conditions. You can show borehole data, field and lab. test results, site features (creeks, hills, buildings, etc.), soil profiles, groundwater table, and topographic survey data.

In addition to direct data entry for borehole coordinates and soil layers at each borehole location, you can import ‘external objects’ created by other computer programs such as AutoCAD or 3D Studio Max to augment the capabilities of VisLog.

Say Goodbye to Hand-Sketching and Expensive AutoCAD Soil Profile Drafting!

In 2018/2019, we completely re-designed VisLog from the ground up to make sure the new version meets the presentations goals of any geotechnical / environmental / mining company. With the new viewer engine, the sky is your limit!

Easy to Use: Well Designed & User Friendly
Fast: Import Your Borehole Logs
Import: Read from gINT & NovoLAB
Versatile: Geotechnical / Environmental / Mining
Latest Technology: Using Google Geocoding
Export: Save as Image, 3D PDF, DXF, etc
Integration: VisLog Works with Other Programs
Affordable: Wonderful Features For Every Company
  • VisLog

    Version 4.0.2020.819
    User’s Manual (PDF)
    User’s Manual (eBook)
    Online Help
    Software Brochure
    Sample 3D PDF Output
    User Agreement (EULA)
    View Update Log

  • System Requirements

    Min. 1024×768 Screen Resolution
    Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (up-to-date)
    Microsoft .Net 4.5.2 or Higher
    130 MB of Disk Space

3D PDF Technology

In its simplest form, a 3D PDF is a standard Adobe PDF document that contains interactive 3D content such as text and other data types, 2D Graphics, 3D Graphics (3D CAD data), plus from a user perspective: the ability to interact with the document on many levels (open an example here).

Export to Google Earth

You can directly export your soil profiles to Google Earth, by pressing a single button! Click here to download an example. VisLog comes with comprehensive Help file and online documentation. You can get up-to-speed with the program in a few hours.

Input Data

In order to prepare the 3D model, you need borehole coordinates (any datum: local, UTM, etc.) and a list of soil layers encountered at each borehole. It is that easy! You can even add any test dataset to a borehole and we will plot that in the model.

Importing Your Borehole Log Data

If you have already prepared your borehole log using gINT or NovoLAB software, VisLog can import your data in seconds! No need to enter the same data again. If you use any other log drafting software (or Excel), that is fine; export your data to text format and import them back in VisLog.

A 3D Viewer That Works!

Once you entered borehole information, you can interact with the model:

  • Rotate
  • Pan / Move
  • Zoom in/out
  • Isometric View / Perspective View
  • Plot Field Tests (SPT, CPT, DCP, etc) Along the Depth
  • Turn on/off various layers of data
  • Add External 3D Models or Survey Data
  • Add Satellite Image
  • Print / Export the Model

The screenshot above shows the 3D soil profiles created by VisLog, with an overlay of site ground surface and topography simulation made by 3D Studio Max.

The Power of Visual Communication: Adding More Details

For the purpose of visualization of the site, you may want to add more visual features to the model. The new version of VisLog is capable of adding ‘external objects’ to the model. These are 3D models made with other programs such as:

  • Autodesk (*.dwg, *.dxf)
  • 3D Studio Max (*.3ds)
  • Wavefront Object (*.obj)
  • Stereolithography (*.stl)
  • 3D Printer Laser LAS (*.las)
  • Points (*.asc)

1000+ Consulting Companies Around the World Use Novo Tech

Our software is presented with flexible licensing in mind! You do not have to sign into expensive subscription-based contracts. Every company has different budget, licensing preference and purchasing timeline. Our flexible licensing model works based on the number of software packages, and number of licenses purchased.

Contact us today; We can provide you the best licensing solution that fits your company needs and budget.

If you would like to learn more about the features included in VisLog, please visit its online user’s manual.