Geotechnical Correlations Software

Geotechnical Correlations Software – NovoFORMULA

This software is used for correlation / estimation of soil properties. Several correlations have been developed by geoscientists in order to estimate one soil parameter based on a series of other known soil parameters. For example, if you need to estimate consolidation compression index (Cc), instead of searching through several reference books, just run NovoFORMULA and find the recommended Cc values based on several equations available in its database (more than 144 correlations).

The only geotechnical software for correlation between soil geotechnical parameters!

NovoFORMULA lists all the correlations you need, with their actual equations as well as any relevant limitations / comments associated with the correlation.  NovoFORMULA report builder summarizes all available correlations for a desired soil parameter in a PDF file. Using this geotechnical software saves your time, and increases the accuracy of your analysis.


    Version 2.0.2020.1225
    User’s Manual (PDF)
    User’s Manual (eBook)
    Online Help
    Software Brochure
    Sample Report
    User Agreement (EULA)
    View Update Log

  • System Requirements

    Min. 1024×768 Screen Resolution
    Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (up-to-date)
    Microsoft .Net 4.5.2 or Higher
    100 MB of Disk Space

Soil Parameters Included

  • Coefficient of Curvature (Sieve Test)
  • Uniformity Coefficient (Sieve Test)
  • Consolidation Compression Index
  • Consolidation Re-compression Index
  • Coefficient of Consolidation
  • Undrained Shear Strength
  • Clay Activity
  • Swelling Potential
  • Relative Density
  • Modulus of Elasticity of Soil
  • Resilient Modulus of Soil
  • Modulus of Deformation of Rock
  • Friction Angle
  • Shear Wave Velocity
  • Shear Modulus
  • Constrained Modulus
  • Liquid Limit
  • Plastic Limit
  • Plastic Index
  • Porosity
  • Coefficient of Compressibility
  • Coeff. of Active Earth Pressure
  • Coeff. of Passive Earth Pressure
  • Coeff. of At-rest Earth Pressure
  • Dilatometer Parameter
  • Rock Mass Rating
  • Time Factor-Consolidation
  • Liquid Index
  • Moisture Content
  • Poisson Ratio
  • Void Ratio
  • Specific Gravity
  • Saturated Unit Weight
  • Dry Unit Weight
  • Wet Unit Weight
  • Percent fine-grained (clay & silt)
  • Percent clay
  • Over-consolidation Ratio (OCR)
  • At Rest Earth Pressure Coeff.
  • Total Overburden Stress
  • Effective Overburden Stress
  • Coefficient of Permeability
  • Effective Particle Diameter
  • Mean Particle Diameter
  • Modulus of Subgrade Reaction
  • Subgrade CBR
  • Base Course CBR
  • Pre-consolidation Stress
  • Degree of Saturation

Don’t Just Pick a Number

Statistical Distribution of Available Correlations For a Specific Soil Parameter.

NovoFORMULA presents the distribution of correlations in a chart. This allows you to review all the values that are estimated based on various correlations, and choose a reasonable range for that parameter.

In this example, the range of consolidation compression Cc estimated based on various methods. The range varies from -0.2 (!) to +0.9 with a concentration around 0.1 to 0.3; An estimated value of Cc~0.2 may be selected for this example.

Focus on the ‘Known’ Soil Parameters

Enter the Value of Known Soil Parameters

Start with entering the value of the soil parameters that are ‘known’ for your project. For example, if you have laboratory tests results for LL, PL or moisture content, start entering these values in the table. As you enter each of these ‘known’ parameters, more and more correlations will be added to the list of estimated values for your selected ‘unknown’ soil parameter.

140 Correlations!

The database of NovoFORMULA includes more than 140 correlations between various soil properties.

Online Order

Your online order takes only 5 minutes! You will receive the download link and an “activation code” by email immediately after your purchase.

NovoFormula (12 month lease)

Geotechnical Correlations Software

$230.00 / year
NovoFormula (6 month lease)

Geotechnical Correltions Software

$180.00 every 6 months
NovoFORMULA (Perpetual License)

Geotechnical Correlations Software


This will also add the following products to your cart:

  • Optional Maintenance Plan $50 / year (FREE for first year) - $50.00

1000+ Consulting Companies Around the World Use Novo Tech

Our software is presented with flexible licensing in mind! You do not have to sign into expensive subscription-based contracts. Every company has different budget, licensing preference and purchasing timeline. Our flexible licensing model works based on the number of software packages, and number of licenses purchased.

Contact us today; We provide you the best licensing solution that fits your company needs and budget.

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