Lateral Earth Pressure Software – LateralK

Lateral Earth Pressure Analysis Software – LateralK

LateralK is a simple computer program for calculation of lateral earth pressure. The main features of LateralK include:

  • Rankine equation for static condition, including active and passive earth pressure coefficients (Ka, Kp), plus at-rest coefficient (Ko)
  • Coulomb equation for static condition, including active and passive earth pressure coefficients (Ka, Kp)
  • Mononobe-Okabe method for earthquake condition, including active and passive earth pressure coefficients (Kae, KPe)

LateralK comes with a complete help file (accessible from inside the program), and user’s manual in PDF and eBook formats to allow you getting up-to-speed in a very short time.  LateralK supports both Metric and US Customary unit systems.

Online Order

Your online order takes only 5 minutes! You will receive the download link and an “activation code” by email immediately after your purchase.

LateralK (12 month lease)

Lateral Earth Pressure Analysis Software

$200.00 / year
LateralK (6 month lease)

Lateral Earth Pressure Analysis Software

$140.00 every 6 months
LateralK (Perpetual License)

Lateral Earth Pressure Analysis Software


This will also add the following products to your cart:

  • Optional Maintenance Plan $50 / year (FREE for first year) - $50.00

  • LateralK

    Version 4.0.2020.819
    User’s Manual (PDF)
    User’s Manual (eBook)
    Online Help
    Sample Report
    User Agreement (EULA)
    View Update Log

  • System Requirements

    Min. 1024×768 Screen Resolution
    Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (up-to-date)
    Microsoft .Net 4.5.2 or Higher
    100 MB of Disk Space

LateralK is a Simple Computer Program for Calculation of Lateral Earth Pressure Behind Retaining Walls.

Tabular Presentation of Kae and Kpe Values.

© 2009 - 2023 Novo Tech Software Ltd.