To process the field data, you need to clearly specify the structure of database. Due to the nature of SPT/BDT test -which is based on blow counts and penetrations- data may have been stored in the database in one of the following formats:
1- Blow counts & Penetrations in separate fields
The following options are covered in SmartSync:
Blow count fields
Penetration Fields
one field
N60 = Blows1
multiple fields
N60 = nBlows(i)
Summation carried out on only those fields which are selected by user.
one field
one field
If Pen1=a : N60 = Blows1
If Pen1<a : N60 = NR
Where a is the penetration length for a successful SPT test (e.g. 30cm),and NR is the SPT blow counts corresponding to refusal (e.g. 50). a and NR may be set by user.
multiple fields
multiple fields
If Pen(i)=a : N60 = nBlows(i)
If Pen(i)<a : N60 = NR
Where a is the penetration length for a successful SPT test on each step (e.g. 15cm),and NR is the SPT blow counts corresponding to refusal (e.g. 50). a and NR should be specified by user.
2- Blow counts & Penetrations in the same field
In this case, blow counts and penetrations at each depth are stored in a single field. Obviously a delimiter should be used to separate blow counts and penetration (e.g. /, |, -, etc). User should specify the delimiter and SmartSync will separate the blow counts and penetration data during importing data. The following options are covered:
# of fields carrying data
one field
If Pen1=a : N60 = Blows1
If Pen1<a : N60 = NR
Where a is the penetration length for a successful SPT test (e.g. 30cm),and NR is the SPT blow counts corresponding to refusal (e.g. 50). a and NR should be set by user.
multiple fields
If Pen(i)=a : N60 = nBlows(i)
If Pen(i)<a : N60 = NR
Where a is the penetration length for a successful SPT test on each step (e.g. 15cm),and NR is the SPT blow counts corresponding to refusal (e.g. 50). a and NR should be specified by user.
If you don't like to include refusals in your engineering analysis, select the "Remove refusals from dataset" and those records inferred to be refusal, will be ignored during import process.