This page is used for data entry of Triaxial shear test and to view / print the results and can be accessed from the Soil Mechanics Lab. menu. After selecting the test type and entering gauge settings you need to enter sample information for each step of the test. You should enter minimum 2 sample data; though most tests have 3 samples tested. Please follow this steps for data entry:

  1. Enter general information required for Test Data section on left side of the page
  2. Enter samples information
  3. Enter vertical displacement and force reading for each sample

Actual force (kgf) for each sample= "load reading" x "Ring factor"

Actual vertical displacement (mm) is automatically calculated based on "Vertical gauge step" x "Vertical gauge factor"


Please note that data should be entered in the white cells. The red cells are automatically calculated by the program. Also start the test readings of each sample from zero.



You can adjust the readings of a sample by selecting it from the list below the table, choosing the multiplier and clicking on Multiply by hyperlink. This will adjust all force readings of the sample accordingly, hence, adjusting friction angle and cohesion.

You can also delete the entire data of a sample by selecting it from the same list and clicking on Delete Readings hyperlink. Please note deleted data cannot be recovered.


After data entry, click on calculate button from the tests toolbar. Test results including Φ and cohesion for effective and total stress condition (depending of type of Triaxial test) will be shown in the table on the left-bottom corner of the screen. You can print the compaction test report by using the tests toolbar.