Site's Seismic Data
Seismic condition of the site can be entered from Input⏵Site's Seismic Data button from the top toolbar. This data is required for each project and includes the following sections:
Seismic InfoThis data is directly used during the soil liquefaction assessment analysis and consists of PGA and Magnitude of the design earthquake. Distance from fault is used for lateral spreading estimation based on Youd et al 2002 method.
CSR can be either calculated based on Simplified Seed (1974) equation or can be entered manually by user. If Shake, Shake 2000 or Pro Shake programs are used for response spectrum analysis and CSR data is available, please select "User-defined data" from the corresponding list and click on ... button. CSR data can be entered manually in the table or may be imported from text file (comma or tab delimited). When done click on
Post LiquefactionSite topography determines the response of the site to post-liquefaction lateral spreading and settlement. Ignore lateral spreading below 2H: If selected, when site has 'free face' topography, any lateral spreading below the depth of 2H will be ignored. Ignore lateral spreading when FoS≥: In some methodologies such as Zhang et al (2004), even a factor of safety greater than 1 corresponds to small cyclic shear strains. If selected, user can specify a cut-off for factor of safety beyond which, cyclic shear strain (and lateral spreading) will be ignored. Ignore lateral spreading below this depth: If selected, any lateral spreading below this depth will be ignored. Ignore re-consolidation settlement below this depth: If selected, any re-consolidation settlement below this depth will be ignored. Residual shear strength friction angle: The upper limit for post-liquefaction residual shear strength ratio (Sr/σ'v) is defined by tan(Φ) where Φ is internal friction angle of sand. Here you can specify the friction angle Φ. |