NovoLiq analysis results is shown when Start Analysis button in pressed. Results of the soil liquefaction analysis is presented in form of tables and graphs:



Graphs include the following (click on each chart to open Chart Presentation Tool):

  • In-situ test (original, modified) vs depth
  • Depth reduction factor (Rd) vs depth
  • Overburden stress (σv, σ'v) vs depth
  • Relative density (Dr) vs depth
  • Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) vs depth
  • Kσ vs depth
  • Factor of safety vs depth
  • Probability of liquefaction (PL) vs depth
  • Maximum cyclic shear strain (γmax) vs depth
  • Volumetric strain vs depth
  • Post-liquefaction settlement vs depth
  • Post-liquefaction lateral displacement vs depth
  • Post-liquefaction residual strength vs depth

Note : For "Zhang & Robertson 2004" and "Faris 2006" methods, details of calculation will be provided at each depth in a tabular format. Three columns under "Lateral Spreading Indexes" present details of the method selected in Preferences page.



Calculation details include the following data:


Rd: depth reduction factor

Overburden Pressure: total and effective soil overburden stress. If surcharge effect is activated in analysis, these overburden stresses include ΔP due to footing loads.

Fines Content: the percentage of silt and clay at this depth (source: soil layers table)

N60: SPT blow counts (N) corrected for sampler, rod length, borehole diameter, energy

Co: correction factor = Cr.Cb.Cs.Ce for SPT

Cn: correction factor; includes depth and water level correction for SPT

N1(60)cs: equivalent clean sand, depth corrected, fines content corrected SPT blow counts


Click on SPT Correction Details link at the bottom-right corner of page to see the detailed calculations for correction factors at each depth.