This tool is designed to analyze the bearing capacity of the piles based on CPT data, according to the method proposed by Bustamante and Gianeselli (1982)  also known as LCPC Method. To read more about this method please click here.

Pile Types

According to LCPC method, the following pile types can be chosen:

  • plain bored pile
  • mud bored pile
  • micro pile (low pressure)
  • case bored pile
  • pier
  • Barrett
  • case screwed pile
  • driven precast pile
  • pre-stressed tubular pile
  • driven cast pile
  • jacked metal pile
  • micropile (small diameter<250mm, high pressure)
  • driven grouted pile (low pressure)
  • driven metal pile
  • driven rammed pile
  • jacket concrete pile
  • grouted pile (large diameter, high pressure)
  • hollow auger bored pile

Safety Factors

Please specify required safety factors for friction and end bearing capacity.


Pile Geometry

Pile diameter is assumed to be uniform along the depth. Bearing capacity will be calculated along the length of the pile (limited to CPT test depth)


 Select Limit fp value checkbox to apply a cap for fp.


Tabular data is presented at each depth and all the dataset is plotted versus depth on different charts. Columns of analysis results table are described below:


KC : End bearing factor

α , fp : Friction bearing factor

Soil Nature : Nature of the soil according to LCPC method' definition


Details of the calculation is presented in Tabular Output Data tab. To export, print and save the results use the toolbar buttons (more information here).


 It should be noted that weight of the pile is not deducted from the allowable bearing capacities; therefore, user should correct the final results based on the actual weight of the pile, if necessary.